Happy CRM Mania Month!

Now this may be a bit heavy on the hype, but CRMchump can’t remember the last time someone was just so flat-out cheerleader-level excited about the biz.

The PR folks at Velocity Academy LLC are thrilled (!) to announce CRM Mania Month in January 2007 for “professionals and companies using, supporting, managing or selling Customer Relationship Management solutions.” So where’s the hot-buttered rum? No rum? Mulled wine, then? Beer, maybe? Oh, it’s not that kind of celebration.


What CRM Mania Month is instead an offer from The Velocity Academy, which will host weekly workshops beginning tomorrow at 8:30am Pacific Standard Time. The event will be hosted at MintzLevin in La Jolla, Calif, and hope to teach CRM clarity and techniques that generate results and reduce operating costs.

CRM Mania Month seminars will including training sessions entitled The Secrets of CRM Success; CRM, The Hidden Sales Accelerator; MS CRM 3.0 – The Total Customer View; and Tips ‘n’ Tricks of Goldmine Operations Automation.

Headquartered in San Diego, Calif. and founded in 2005, The Velocity Academy LLC is a professional and management training company offering workshops, classes, and seminars on various sales and business acceleration training. Centered on delivering a single specific technique to participants, The Velocity Academy contracts “seasoned experts with 15 to over 30 years of experience” to deliver content.

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