Top Complaints in Hospitality when Sales Force Automation Tools are Lacking

With an industry like hospitality, you would automatically assume that certain customer service initiatives would already be in place. Unfortunately, not all organizations leverage sales force automation tools to ensure they can uphold their customer service mission. If you are operating in the hospitality space, or any other industry that relies on customer sales to drive revenue, you may want to consider investing in sales force automation tools to eliminate key customer service errors that may be costing you business.

Sales Force Automation Tools Ensures Some Will Answer the Phone

If your company could price its offerings at any amount and customers would pay it, what would that amount be? Does that amount change according to the level of service your company delivers? In most cases, the answer to the second question is a resounding, “Yes!” If you want to get a premium price for what you offer, you have to be able to deliver premium service. Without robust sales force automation tools in place, you are likely falling short of this expectation. In the area of hospitality, an inability to effectively communicate with customers is a big problem. For many, this problem is simply never answering the phone when a customer needs help. If this is your approach to customer service, you actually need more than just sales force automation tools.

Don’t Nickel and Dime with Sales Force Automation Tools

There are some companies that have built a reputation for nickel and diming their customers to the point where nothing seems of value. Sales force automation tools can help you get some perspective on what you are charging your customers, what they are willingly paying for and where you might need to consider making some changes. In the hospitality space, it is often conceived that the company is charging its guests simply for the air that they breathe – this is not exactly the perception you want to create among the customer base. What should you go for? Think about the value your customers perceive and focus on enhancing their perception of that value. Sales force automation tools can help you get it done.

Don’t Just Close the Case – Solve the Problem with Sales Force Automation Tools

How do your customers perceive your approach to their problem? Are you more concerned with closing the case than you are with solving the problem. If you want your sales team to get the most out of their sales force automation tools, you have to focus on the customer experience and not just how quickly you can get off the phone. Too many in the hospitality space have forgotten that customer service is about serving the customer and not the number of calls that can be completed in a certain amount of time. And, if they are padding their statistics to make them look more successful, the proof would actually be found in the results of customer satisfaction surveys captured in sales force automation tools.

Keep it Simple with Sales Force Automation Tools

One of the complaints that tends to pop up time and again in the hospitality space is that simple problems are made too complex because of the surrounding information. Sales force automation tools can ensure your team actually focuses on the issue at hand, identifies the simple solution and implements it. You don’t have to jump through hopes to deliver satisfaction, just do what you promise to do. It really is that simple and sales force automation tools make it easy.