Siemens on the telephone

Siemens is banking on VoIP and telephony, with new product for both.

The firm recently introduced the new Siemens Gigaset S450IP which features multiple lines, fixed line and internet telephony functions. And it’s targeted for the small business. Also touted is the programming feature allowing memory to hold up to four different VoIP numbers; — “At the touch of button users can switch between making an internet or a traditional landline phone call and can expect the same quality et cetera et cetera …” — with this, Siemens hopes to pitch the cordless to families and small businesses.

Up to six handsets can be installed with four internet numbers on each. Additionally, two users can talk via internet connection at the same time; this feature, claims Siemens press material, has heretofore only been possible with an ISDN connection. Three-ways are also possible with the conference call option.

The Gigaset S450 IP will be released in October at a price just under €130 (approximately US $166).

This week also saw Siemens representative announce a VoIP for Travel with CRM Link program, taking the official line that "in the future, [the services] will operate and install ready-to-use VoIP systems for travel companies."

In theory, the system will allow travel operators to handle “everything” via one telephone system as basis for the VoIP; company press material specifically mentions fun stuff like "flight reservations on the internet, hotel inquiries by phone, car rental by fax or special offers for holiday makers."

A CRM application can be linked to the VoIP network; "if a travel agent salesperson wants to address a particular customer group with a holiday offering, he can retrieve the necessary information from the database.”

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