Destination CRM pokes head out window

What do an Australian spammer, a Coca-Cola factory in Afghanistan and a British legal battle between hedgehogs (or porcupines, to us Yanks) and McDonalds have in common?

They’re all news bites in a slightly odd piece over at Destination CRM today. Marshall Lager’s piece “CRM Around the World Take Two” is a funny bit of CRM philosophizing based on the premise that “Just because I’m an editor doesn’t mean I need to spend all my time, um, editoring. And it’s hard to keep a running commentary on the state of our industry if I never stick my head out the window to observe it. So I’ve decided, again, to share a practical view of how CRM has a real effect on the world.”

Open letter to the bosses of Marshall Lager (if that is his real name): Can’t you give this guy a bit of a vacation?

Check out the humourous bit of work at

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