Parature 6 Customer Support and Help Desk Solution Unveiled at ParaFest ’05 Conference

CRM Solution Built on Microsoft .NET Framework Features Advanced Reporting, Security, Integration Capabilities

McLean, VA (October 24, 2005) – Parature, a leading provider of award winning, on demand customer support software, announced today the release of the Parature 6 Customer Support and Help Desk Solutions. This unified platform, developed entirely on the Microsoft .NET framework, builds upon the success of Parature 5 in allowing small and large corporations to deliver exceptional customer service regardless of time or geographic location. Parature 6 includes over 200 new and enhanced features, including reporting and analytics that enable managers to slice and dice data, increased integration with other applications, a powerful fine grained yet flexible security structure, and advanced easy-to-use customization design tools. Parature 6 will be unveiled today at Parature’s 2nd annual users conference, ParaFest ’05, being held at the Key Bridge Marriott hotel in Washington, D.C.

“Feedback from clients and industry experts was crucial in the design of Parature 6 as it ensured we’re helping our clients meet their real world customer service demands and enabling them to get high return on investment from an area of their company that may have once been just a cost center,” stated Calvin Lam, Chief Technology Officer at Parature. “Parature 6 takes our tradition of being easy-to-use and customizable to a whole new level and goes beyond other CRM solutions with features including unlimited process workflow tailoring and advanced audit trails, superior globalization and language functionality, an enterprise search tool, flexible security and very rapid performance stemming from our recent investment in state-of-the-art equipment.”

The advancements made in Parature 6 and the flexibility of Parature’s non-traditional, on demand web-based model will enable clients to stay ahead of the consistently increasing requirements placed upon their customer support divisions. According to a Gartner Research report1, the number of interactions between a typical business-to-consumer organization and its customers is growing at a rate of 15% each year, inbound customer-service-related e-mails are growing 20% yearly and the number of self-service transactions that an organization carries out with its customers are increasing at 25% a year. “Traditional customer service systems are incapable of sustaining this rapid growth while simultaneously revamping their operations to become more customer-centric,” stated Esteban Kolsky, Research Director at Gartner, in the report.

“Parature 6 makes great strides in advancing how our clients can deliver top notch service to their customers and utilize their support divisions as a competitive advantage,” said Duke Chung, Chief Executive Officer at Parature. “We are significantly raising the bar for the support industry by providing an extremely easy-to-use, scaleable and powerful Customer Support and Help Desk platform with a flexible and affordable pricing model that both our small and large size clients really appreciate.”

For more information on Parature 6, how it can enable high ROI from your customer support division and to sign up for the FREE 30-Day trial, please visit

1″Make CRM More Strategic With a Customer Interaction Hub,” Gartner Research, Esteban Kolsky, Nov. 2004

Source: Parature
