Improved Microsoft CRM

Over the past three years, Microsoft Dynamics increased its offerings to such an extent that it includes practically each and every product and service available. Additionally, the website also showcases an information database on every word ever written, including news and reviews, implementation how to, technical resources, knowledge base, community Blogs and newsgroups postings, literature, specifications and much more. The database is currently indexed for Google speed, Google relevant managed search and display. Over 1,000 pages and links of indexed Microsoft CRM resources are available. The website is available at the DynamicsCenter home page and is located at the top right corner of every page accessible at DynamicCenter. The new information database is conveniently called "DynamicsSearch".

In addition to the information and Partner developed (ISV) products and services available, DynamicsCenter also permits any business entity to submit a web page to be included in DynamicsSearch. This will enable the relevant business to be more accessible in the international community. is MTC’s primary online resource, e-store, and e-consultant website promoting Microsoft products.

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