Are you (virtual BlackBerry application) experienced?

A big story for the media inside and outside the industry told of a “Virtual BlackBerry Solution,” certain to be an instant hit with BlackBerry freaks. (And we know there’re lots of you out there…)

Research In Motion today announced its plans to expand support for Windows Mobile-based devices with a new software application suite that will enable devices from third-party manufacturers to be used in BlackBerry software applications and services.

Current RIM plans call for the company to begin offering the software application suite later this year for select devices based on Windows Mobile 6. “Once installed,” promises the oft-quoted press material, “the software will provide users with a virtual BlackBerry application experience, including support for BlackBerry email, phone, calendar, address book, tasks, memos, browser, instant messaging and other applications developed for the BlackBerry platform.”

The new BlackBerry application suite would appear as a third-party app icon on the screen, which links to the BlackBerry smartphone interface.

The news came, as the website Slashdot among others reminded, less than a week after a “network outage crippled BlackBerry users across North America.”

(Surely, the “Cybernator” didn’t quite mean it in that way; he must be referring to the crippling of the BlackBerry service to users…)

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