Tag: "social netowrking"

Hooray for tibbr! TIBCO Cuts The Noise With A Twitter-Like Tool for Enterprise

With the recent releases of social-networking platforms for enterprise (see: Salesforce Chatter, SugarCRM Cloud Connects and Social Feeds), the influx of social-media tools for business is unsurprising, but watching it all unfold is quite a treat. This week, TIBCO Software announced that next year they’ll be launching tibbr, a social-feed service that apes Twitter. tibbr […]

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Big News for CRM Today! Salesforce.com Makes Chatter, The Social Network for Enterprise

Enterprise is getting it’s own Facebook! Salesforce.com kicked off their annual Dreamforce conference in San Francisco, and CEO Marc Benioff made the major announcement during his keynote speech: their new private social network, Salesforce Chatter. Benioff has been advocating the use of real-time data for some time now, so it comes as no surprise that […]

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