Results International Announces Virtual Media Commentator Capability

Results International recently announced its new “Virtual Media Commentators” feature. With this feature, visitors to a company’s site are greeted and can turn these prospective customers into actual sales. Virtual Media Commentator allows companies to customize the greeting that its site visitors will listen to.

With this new technology, it should greatly encourage many visitors to take the leap from potential customer to a sale. Research has shown that customers tend to waver in their decision making, requiring multiple trips to a company’s website before deciding to make the investment. However, with virtual media commentator, visitors are immediately greeted and welcomed to the site to create a more trusting environment for these visitors. Rather than just plain boring text to greet the visitors, site visitors are welcomed in with customized messages to create a more trusting environment for their customers.

Results International provides its CRM customers with a number of cool features. Its new Virtual Media Commentator feature allows companies to change messages to keep their sites fresh for new customers. With this new technology, more site visitors can be converted into sales quickly.

With an increasing focus on customer service and enhancing the customer experience, Results International has developed the solution to help companies differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack. For more information on this exciting new technology, contact a Results International Sales Professional today.

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